How to Insulate Welding Lead Reels | Proper & Easy Guidelines

How to Insulate Welding Lead ReelsHow to insulate welding lead reels has always been a popular subject to wonder about. Everyone who owns a welding lead reel. The very first thing they should do is insulate the welding lead reels.

Because due to short circuit or electric power outage you can get into a terrible accident while you are using a welding lead reel to hold up a  big heavyweight machine.

Therefore, the machine or the welding lead cords or wires can get electrocuted. Also, the machine and the welding lead reel can get busted and burned.

Moreover, you can face extreme injuries of electric shocks. What is more that you may also lose your life?

So, to have decent and definite safety precautions while you are working with welding lead reels. You must need to insulate the wires or threads of the welding lead reels.


Insulate a Welding Lead Reel – Things You Will Need

Well, if you bought a ready-made welding lead reels. Those lead reels may be insulated already. But if you made your welding lead reels then you will need to insulate that properly.

Therefore, to insulate a welding lead reel you will need some accessories to work on it. So, the thing you will need to insulate the welding lead reels is given below.

  • A high-density plastic electrical insulating or Teflon tape. That will insulate the reels from electric current flow.
  • A wire cutter and a scissor to cut the reel wire and the tapes when you complete insulating.
  • Insulator bolts to countersink lead reels.
  • Insulators for the base plate to ground or sparking.

Now that we have enough resources let us proceed to insulate the welding lead reels. Then you can hook it up with the machines or whatsoever.


How to Insulate a Welding Lead Reel – Step by Step Methods

Before we start to work on your project. We will insulate the welding lead reels and make it safer to use. Therefore, you can insulate your welding lead reels in more than one way. It is so cool, right? So let us start

1. Insulate Base Frame Trailer of The Welding Lead Reels

You can use insulator bolts in the base plate of the welding lead reels. That will do the grounding or earth floor connectivity.  Then countersink the handles gaps or holes

This way the frame trail or the base plate will stay insulated and you become ready to safely do your project.

Therefore, you can also insulate welding lead reels handles. So that way you will gain more safety.


2. Insulate the Wires of the Welding Lead Reels 

If the wire or cord of your welding lead reels is small in length then you can use this method.

You can either buy a double layer high-density plastic coated wire for your handmade welding lead reels. Or else you can use Teflon insulator tape to roll and tape down the whole wire. Then cut off the extra tape from the wire of the lead reels.

However, if you use this method you will also have to insulate the handles of the welding lead reels. You can use gloves whenever you use welding lead reels. Otherwise, you can also use insulator bolts in the welding lead reels spool.

Unless, whenever you are working and you touch the lead reels with both of your hands. It will automatically create an electric bright and give you a shock.


3. Insulate the Handles of the Welding Lead Reels 

You can just use a  dense plastic layer covers on the handles and attach them with the insulator bolts.  On the other hand, you can use a plastic wrapper on the handles of the welding lead reels too.

Since the handles are the parts of the welding lead reels you will be touching more. While you take out wire reels or hook the reels with the materials.

That’s why it is very essential to also insulate the handles of the welding lead reels.

Therefore, we recommend you to utilize all three ways of the above.

In that way, you will not face any trouble or accidents, or damage. So do take all these three steps to ensure the utmost safety and protection.


Final Words:

As many of the users of welding lead reels were having to insulate their welding lead reels perfectly.

We researched and did some tryouts. After that, we got through the 3 ways. In which you can insulate your welding lead reels easily.

Therefore, we prefer you to perform all the steps in your lead reels. So that you can finish your tasks safe and soundly. Thus, do your jobs earnestly, stay well and healthy.